
Carmel United offers a travel program for those players looking for a more advanced soccer experience. Our travel program is a competitive endeavor requiring a higher level of commitment both in time and financially. We hold tryouts in April or May of each year. There is a finite roster sized which means, in most cases, not every player trying out will make the team. 


Our club competes in the East Hudson Youth Soccer League (EHYSL) which is affiliated with Eastern New York Youth Soccer Association (ENYYSA) and the United States Soccer Federation (USSF). Premier-level teams participate in the NY Club Soccer League (NYCSL) which is affiliated with US Club Soccer. There are separate teams and divisions for girls and boys. Level of competition and training prepares players for high school level of play. We also stress sportsmanship, fitness, organization, team commitment and other skills the young players will keep with them the rest of their lives.

Travel teams practice two times a week during the fall and spring at a facility in the Carmel/Patterson area. Practices may start any time after 5pm. During the winter there are indoor practices once/week in an indoor facility. As travel soccer requires a higher level of commitment, attendance at practices is expected.

With the exception of premier teams, games are generally scheduled Sundays between 10 AM and 5 PM. Premier teams may play on Saturday or Sunday. The fall season starts first week of September and runs until the Sunday before Thanksgiving. The spring season begins the first Sunday in April and runs until mid June. There are typically 8-10 games scheduled in the fall and 8-10 scheduled in the spring. One half of these games are played at our home fields in the Carmel area, including Carmel High School, George Fischer Middle School, Matthew Paterson Elementary School, and Patterson Veterans Memorial Park. The other half of games are played against other soccer clubs from Putnam, Dutchess, Westchester, Orange, and Ulster counties. Premier teams may travel further distances for away games (NYC, CT, Long Island, etc.)

There are no games scheduled Labor Day weekend, Columbus Day weekend, Easter, Passover, or Memorial Day weekend, but individual teams may elect to participate in tournaments those weekends. Teams may also compete in indoor tournaments and/or winter leagues sponsored by other clubs or venues.

We provide our coaches with licensing and training opportunities. All travel coaches are required to complete at least a Grassroots licensing course from US Soccer. Some of our coaches have advanced licenses and/or NSCAA diplomas and/or have decades of playing and coaching experience. Some teams elect to hire professional youth trainers to train their teams. The cost for trainers and tournaments are borne by the team. Teams may do fundraising to cover some of these costs and/or they may require out-of-pocket contributions from players. 

Team Formation

​​Travel teams are formed based on several factors and considerations including, but not limited to Tryout evaluations. We aim to form teams balancing player and team development while also maintaining a positive team dynamic that best represents Carmel United and our community. This is not a "sign up and play" program. Players must try out and demonstrate the skills or aptitude necessary to make the team. They must also demonstrate the commitment and personality traits expected for that particular team. Many factors are taken into consideration when selecting players, not just their current ability.

If we have enough players, we will form two teams in the same age group to maximize the number of players playing Travel soccer. For developmental age groups, we will not form an “A” and “B” team as we do not feel that is in the best interest of players at younger ages (U12 and under). Instead, we will form two balanced (as possible) teams with a focus on developing all the players equally.

Carmel United maintains the philosophy that players are best served by playing age-appropriate whenever possible, especially at developmental ages (U12 and under). With approval, a player may try-out for an older age group (1 year up only). However, in order to be placed on the older team, the player must score in the top five at the tryouts for the older team. Simply being the best player in their age-appropriate group does not qualify them for the older team. They must be one of the best five players in the OLDER age group to be considered for that team. This is the Club's "play-up" policy. Note: we generally do not allow this for players at developmental ages at all. In the case of a rare exception, the player would need to score in the top three to be considered.

If teams are starting out with low roster numbers, players may be allowed to play up in order to allow a team to be formed. If there is no age-appropriate team, a player will be allowed to try out for the older team (1 year up only) with the understanding that if an age-appropriate group does form in the future, they will be placed on their age-appropriate team. 

Players will be notified as tryouts are completed for an age group and teams are formed. Players accepted on a team must be registered within 72 hours of notification or risk losing their roster spot. New travel players are required to supply a copy of their birth certificate and a photo within one week of registration, if not provided at tryouts.

Players who do not attend a scheduled tryout may forfeit their opportunity to play on a team in that gender/age group if sufficient players are available to form a team. Players not accepted on a travel team have the option to play in our Inhouse program if an appropriate age group exists. 

Evaluators will not be associated with players on a team in the age group. Players should try out for their appropriate gender and age group unless instructed otherwise by their coach or the Tryout Committee.

Tryouts for high school-aged teams may not adhere to the same tryout process as other travel teams in the Club. Tryouts may be organized by the individual team and evaluations may be made by the team's coaches.

Player Development Philosophy (U8-U12)

Carmel United believes strongly in Player Development. Our philosophy is:

1. Do NOT give up on players. Every player’s development timeline is different. Some develop quickly early on and then taper off. Others develop slowly at first and then make bigger strides later. Players will develop in their time, not yours. What’s important is that players are improving and engaged. 

2. Success should be measured by effort and improvement, NOT by wins and losses. There are no standings for U8-U12 ages. Nobody wins a championship and nobody comes in last place. It’s about developing players. It doesn't matter if a team loses every game as long as the players are getting better and enjoying playing soccer. Winning will eventually come naturally by doing the right things as pertains to player development but winning should not be the priority. 

3. Every player MUST receive at least half the game playing time. No exceptions. We develop ALL our players, not just the stronger ones. This is a league mandate which is 100% Club supported. There is no reason that every player should not get half a game every game.

4. Players should NOT be positioned until at least U12 or older. Players should be exposed to and learn every position on the field. Nobody knows where a player should be playing at these ages, even if they look good in a position right now. As players develop long-term, there will come a time when they should start to specialize but that is not at the developmental ages.

This is what you should expect from Travel soccer in Carmel United and is hopefully what you will receive. If it is not what you experience, you should speak to your coach sooner rather than later. ​

Fall 2024/Spring 2025 Season

​Tryouts for the Fall 2024/Spring 2025 season were completed in May of 2024. Some teams may still have roster spots available (most do not). Please check the HOME tab for a list of those teams. If there is interest in trying out, please notify us by email at Be sure to include your name and phone number, along with the player's name, birth year, and playing experience (Club, team, years, etc.) Tryouts for Fall 2025/Spring 2026 will be held in April and May 2025.

Travel Fees

  • Full-year registration fee: $395
  • Payment plan is available if registered by July. Monthly payments (June, July, and August) will automatically be charged to the credit card on file. If the card is unsuccessfully processed, you will be notified to update the payment method. Monthly payments not made within 7 days of the due date will incur a late fee.
  • There are no refunds for Travel Soccer.
  • You will receive $100 in raffle tickets at the start of the season. You can sell those tickets and keep the money which lowers your out-of-pocket cost.
  • All new players are required to purchase a full uniform kit (primary game jersey, alternate game jersey, practice jersey, shorts, and socks) at the time of registration. Cost for a complete kit is $100. Once purchased, the same uniform can be used each year as long as it still fits...unless the uniform style changes.​ 
  • Individual travel teams may also collect additional money to cover training, tournaments, and other team-related expenses. Some (or all) of these costs may be deferred through team fundraising activities. You would need to check with your coaches or team manager for specific details.

What Does the Fee Cover?

  • League registration: 17-20%
  • Outdoor field space: 12-15%
  • Winter indoor practice space: 40-50%
  • Referee fees: 15-20%
  • ​Club overhead (includes marketing, advertising, operations, administration, field maintenance, supplies, etc.):​ 10-15%
  • ​Credit card processing fee: 3%

Coaching in our Travel Program

We are always looking for individuals to coach our Travel Players. Although playing and coaching in the past helps, it is our experience that dedication to player development as well as organization and communications skills make excellent youth soccer coaches. The most successful coaches produce players who develop a love for the game and continue with the sport long after they have played for the coach. The Club provides reimbursement for accredited coaching education.

If you are interested in coaching for our Travel program,  please send an email to Once approved by the Club for a travel team, you must complete a few tasks before being approved and assigned to a team, including an in-person Grassroots coaching course, a background check, and a few online trainings.

Travel Team Field Lining Schedule

US Soccer Age Group Requirements

Carmel United starts Travel at the U8 age group.

Birth YearFall 2024 /  Spring 2025 Age GroupFall 2025 /  Spring 2026 Age GroupFall 2026 /  Spring 2027 Age Group